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Canelé with a twist


3 cups



1½ cups



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Top 5 facts to know about French Food Culture

  1. This one's for all you cheese lovers out there...France has a different cheese for every day of the year!

  2. The Canalé was made in the BC period by nuns to feed starving orphans (obviously excluding the wine from the recipe). 

  3. It is common for people in most parts of France to take a two-hour lunch break. #Goals! Therefore, most shops close around noon and reopen 2 hours later, or even a cheeky 3 hours later. 

  4. Cuisine differs according to region. The Provence region uses olive oils, tomatoes and herbs in many dishes. 

  5. Foie gras is one of the most popular and well-known delicacies and the flavour is described as rich, buttery, and delicate. Mmm.

A cultural exploration of around the world recipes


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